Wednesday 30 November 2016

November 30 - SSND Associates, Missionaries of Mother Theresa

We pray for all who have chosen to be an associate with our congregation or a Missionary of Mother Theresa. May they grow in appreciation of the charism of Mother Theresa in today’s world. May we together find ways to bring the good news and make Christ visible in our lives.

Madre Teresa Retreat Center, Viamão, Brazil
Province of Latin America and the Caribbean

Tuesday 29 November 2016

November 29 - The sick and elderly

O Lord our God, we pray for all those who are sick in mind, body, heart, and Spirit, that Jesus may restore them to health. We pray also for those who have grown old, that God will give them courage and strength to face their daily challenges. We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen

Bielsko-Biała, Poland  Province of Poland (PO)

Monday 28 November 2016

November 28 - Province of Africa (AF)

We pray that the sisters, novices, and postulants of the Province of Africa, like the centurion in today’s Gospel, may have a deep trust in God’s power and thus become an example of faith and hope for others. May the people who meet them experience how they dare to live simply and with joy their call as SSND in the mission of Jesus Christ. May they witness that unity in diversity is possible in our divided world. For this we pray.
Read more about the Province of Africa. 

Nairobi, Kenya  Province of Africa (AF)